How To Whiten Your Face Naturally Within 3 Days

How To Whiten Your Face Naturally
How To Whiten Your Face Naturally Within 3 Days - A powerful way to increase self-confidence, especially for women, one of which is to have clean, radiant white skin. There are many ways that can be done to get the expected results in a fast time, but most ways to whiten this face using drugs with ingredients that are not natural and not safe because they contain chemicals. As a result, if the method is used quickly or slowly, it is likely that side effects that are not good for the health of the skin will be felt.

So it would be highly recommended for those of you who really want to get a bright, clean, white and definitely healthy facial skin, you should follow the following tips, tips that will make your face whiter and cleaner using natural ingredients and very easy to do. These are ways that can make your skin white quickly within 3 days:

1. With lime
Lime is a fruit that is often used as a base for natural beauty products. What makes lime effective in whitening skin is its vitamin C content. Vitamin C contained in lime is very high and is well used because of its natural source. It has been proven that vitamin C will make the skin more white, toned and much smoother and become a natural antioxidant that always neutralizes bad substances in the skin. There are also L bonds in each lime molecule that are useful in lightening skin color naturally.

How to use it there are two choices, you can run both or choose one of them.

How to whiten a face with lime:
a. You can consume it by processing it into juice and mixing it with a little sugar so that it is not too acidic, then you can drink it. If you don't want to mix using sugar, you can use other alternatives by mixing honey or sweet fruit such as mango.

b. You can make lime as a mask with thinly sliced ​​first, you can paste the lime slices or you can squeeze it first and rub the lime juice to all parts of your face. In order to get more perfect results you can mix lime juice with stirred egg whites evenly, practice twice a day, you will see significant changes within 3 days and get more fantastic results if done every day within the first week. Be careful not to be exposed to the eyes.

2. With rice water
Rice has a very potential content, including:
- vitamin A
- vitamin C
- flavonoids
- phenolic
The four ingredients are natural antioxidants that can minimize toxins in the body due to the many free radicals.

But the nutrient content is reduced due to when the rice is washed. Vitamin levels such as Vitamin B1, vitamins B3, B6, phosphorus, manganese, fiber to iron reduce from 50% to 80% due to dissolving during washing.

Rice also contains oryzanol which is efficacious as an antidote to radiation harmful to the skin caused by ultraviolet light. Some even this content also decreases when washed. So here it can be understood that rice washing water has a very good content for skin health.

How to whiten the face with rice water:
After rice washing water is available, clean your face first with warm water then dry it with a clean towel, then you can immediately wash your face with the rice washing water and leave it for 15 minutes or overnight. You only need to clean your face afterwards with the facial soap you normally use. You can do it twice a day.

3. With honey
Honey is loved by children because of its sweetness, we also like it. In addition to sweet and delicious taste, honey has excellent antibacterial properties. So that honey can be a barrier to the entry of bacteria into the skin and in the body. The antioxidant content in honey is also quite good, antioxidants are beneficial to make the skin tighter and look younger.

how to whiten the face with honey:
a. Use a face mask with honey and egg white.
Egg white has lysozyme, is a content of bioenzymes that can help the skin become sterile and egg whites can normalize excess oil levels on facial skin naturally.

You can mix honey and egg white with a dose that you can customize yourself (generally 1 egg is mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey). Stir until evenly distributed. Then balur all over the face and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Wash thoroughly afterwards.

b. Use a face mask with honey and milk.
Pure liquid milk has vitamin A and vitamin D which make the skin softer. Beta hydroxy acid content in milk is efficacious in replacing dead skin cells with new skin cells. And healthy and tight skin can be obtained from iron, phosphorus and calcium contained in milk. Lactic acid is a nutrient in milk that can moisturize the skin naturally. The face will also be much whiter because milk has good protein and antioxidants.

To consume it you can by drinking a mixture of honey and milk directly or using a mixture of the two ingredients as a mask. Running both will be better. And feel the efficacy within 3 days.

4. With tomatoes
Tomatoes are not only a complement to the enjoyment of food, tomatoes are vegetables which are among the easiest we can get but have an extraordinary content for our health. vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and folate we can find from tomatoes. Tomatoes contain lycopene which has an anti-oxidant function, as well as antioxidant rice water which will protect your skin from the risk of free radicals and UV rays.

How to whiten a face with tomatoes:
a. Eat tomatoes directly or by juicing and drink them.
b. Using a tomato-based mask that is mashed first uses a blender and you can mix them
- tomatoes with lemon, lemons have vitamin C which is quite high
- tomatoes with oatmeal, outmeal has vitamin E and contains potassium which is good for skin health
- tomatoes with milk, similar to tomato mask honey can be dimixed with pure liquid milk
- tomatoes with honey
5. With olive oil
Olive oil is an oil that is rich in nutrients, the nutrients contained in it are very beneficial for skin health. Vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin K contained in olive oil are high enough to help increase the brightness of facial skin. The content of omega 3, 6 and 9 and iron contained in olive oil are good at supporting skin health, and are able to regenerate damaged skin cells.

The best olive oil you can choose is pure olive oil and free of chemicals, usually the pure and most complete nutrition is olive oil which is an extra virgin olive oil type.

How to whiten the face with olive oil:
a. Using a pure olive oil mask, meaning without additional ingredients. You can immediately apply to all parts of the face that you previously washed with warm water. Make sure your hands are in a sterile condition, after polishing them you can gently massage your face. Let stand about 15-20 minutes.

b. Using a mask of olive oil mixed with egg white. How to use it as above, but the difference when this mask is prepared, stir first between olive oil and egg white until evenly distributed.

c. Use an olive oil mask mixed with yogurt. Yogurt is a fermented product, has good lactic acid content to make your face brighter.

6. With turmeric
Turmeric is one of the ingredients commonly used as a spice in cooking. The advantages of turmeric can not only be used as a spice, but there are great benefits contained in turmeric, especially for skin health. Acne that is difficult to remove and stubborn can be overcome by turmeric because of its anti-bacterial and fungal (anti-inflammatory) properties. Anti aging content is also found in turmeric, the benefit is to make the face stay young because it inhibits the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face naturally. Other nutrients such as iron, vitamin B6 and magnesium are also contained in it.

how to whiten the face with turmeric:
a. Using a pure turmeric mask. You only need to prepare pure turmeric and mix it with a little water, stir it to form a paste, then you can immediately rub it onto your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes, clean and do one to two times in 1 day.

b. Using a turmeric and aloe vera mask. Aloe vera is known to have excellent antioxidants and antibacterial properties, so this mixture of turmeric and aloe vera has amazing properties, how to clean and cut the edges of aloe vera, then peel the aloe and take the gel. Mix the turmeric powder and the aloe vera gel, then blend together using a blender. Brush over the entire face, leave 15-20 minutes then wash with clean water, do it twice in 1 day every day within 3 days.

c. You can also use rice water in addition to the mixture with turmeric powder, stirring until it forms a paste. Stay rubbed and do it as above.
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