How to whiten skin naturally and quickly

How to whiten skin naturally and quickly
Almost all Asian women are proud and happy if they can have white and shiny skin. That is why they are competing to have white skin and shine in any way. There are those who use skin whitening beauty products, there are also those who come and take care of beauty clinics. There is also an extreme method of injecting bleach. They do all of the above so that the desired white skin is obtained quickly.

Because so passionate about having white skin quickly, often they do not care about the dangers caused by the ways they go. Because the use of beauty products can endanger the health of the body, because of the presence of chemicals in it. It's best if you want white skin don't be in a hurry, but be patient. Let's see below.

How to whiten skin naturally
1. Rice water

When you want to cook rice, you can use the water used to wash rice. Because rice contains ferullic acid and allantoin which functions to protect and whiten the skin.

Here is a natural way to whiten skin using rice:
  • When washing rice, do not dispose of the water
  • Let the rice water settle
  • Use rice water deposition as a natural scrub
2. Olive oil
How to whiten body skin naturally and quickly for women then is to use olive oil. Olive oil contains linoleic acid which is useful for maintaining the balance of water content in the skin. And olive oil also contains a lot of anti-oxidants, namely polyphenols which function to protect cells from damage.

  1. Mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil with 2 tablespoons of honey
  2. Use it as a scrub every time after bathing
3. Aloe vera
Aloe vera contains aloesin, a substance that functions to inhibit the formation of melanin in the skin, thus preventing the skin from darkening. That's why a lot of aloe vera is included in the composition of various manufacturers of skin lightening drugs. Then aloe vera can be tried as a way to whiten the skin naturally.

The method is easy:
  • Pick enough Aloe vera leaves
  • Take the aloe gel in the middle
  • Apply evenly to your body
  • Let stand for 15 minutes
  • Rinse with clean water
4. Egg White
Egg whites contain high protein. Its function is to regenerate the skin so that dead skin cells peel off and replace new skin cells healthier. Although it smells fishy, ​​it turns out that many Korean and Japanese women use egg white as a way to naturally whiten the skin of the hands and face.

The trick is:
  • Separate white and egg yolks
  • whipped egg white until foamy
  • You can add honey and lime so that the fishy smell can be disguised
  • Let stand for 30 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water
  • Do it regularly after taking a shower
5. Lemon
Lemon is a type of orange that is rich in anti-oxidants and vitamin C. Besides that it also contains alpha hydroxy acid which is useful for counteracting free radicals that are inside the skin. This is how to whiten the skin naturally quickly and permanently using lemon:
  1. Prepare lemon and squeeze
  2. Apply lemon juice to your skin
  3. Leave for a few minutes
  4. Rinse with clean water while taking a shower
  5. This method will immediately make your skin fresh and blush because lemon is a natural bleaching tool.
6. Bengkoang
How to whiten skin that is common and natural is to use bengkoang. There have been many beauty products that use the benefits of bengkoang as bleach. Because Bengkoang contains many vitamins B and C which play an important role in whitening and keeping the skin clean. Vitamin C in Bengkoang stimulates skin cells to regenerate. So you should consider using bengkoang as a way to whiten the skin quickly. It's easy:
  1. Grated bengkoang then squeeze using water
  2. Use the juice as a natural bath scrub mask
  3. Can also be mixed with grated bengkoang which later functions as a scrub
7. Cucumber
Cucumber contains many minerals and vitamins that are important to maintain the freshness of the skin so that the skin becomes bright and clean. Cucumber is also able to inhibit skin pigmentation and eliminate your black eye circles.

A quick way to whiten skin using cucumbers is:
  1. Blender of cucumber without water to form like a gel
  2. Rub on the whole body
  3. Let stand for 30 minutes
  4. Then wash using clean water while taking a shower
8. White radish
White radish is generally used as a kitchen ingredient, but actually it can also be used as a way to naturally whiten the skin. The content contained in white radish, namely: vitamin C, vitamin B complex, phosphorus and zinc is needed to maintain the health of your skin. The water content that is quite a lot will also make the skin more moist and healthy.

9. Tomatoes
Lycopine, which is an antioxidant compound in tomatoes, has been shown to counteract free radicals that make the skin bright and radiant. Tomatoes can also function as natural sunscreens to minimize damage caused by UV light.
How to whiten facial skin naturally using tomatoes:
  1. Finely mash the tomatoes into a pulp
  2. Then apply to the whole body
  3. Let stand for 30 minutes
  4. Then rinse with clean water or take a shower
10. Potatoes
Potatoes contain minerals that can be used as natural antibiotics that function to slow down skin aging and help accelerate skin regeneration. Natural anti-oxidants also function to eliminate and disguise scars. The use of potatoes is one way to whiten facial skin naturally and quickly for women.

How to use it is:
  1. Finely mashed boiled potatoes
  2. Mix with 2 tablespoons of milk to form a paste
  3. Apply to the whole body
  4. Let stand for 30 minutes
  5. Rinse with clean water
11. Milk
Collagen in the skin functions to keep the skin supple and not wrinkled. Milk containing vitamin D which can increase collagen production also contains vitamin B6 which is useful for treating and maintaining healthy and moist skin.

  • Mix 1 cup of fresh milk with 4 tablespoons of honey
  • Make scrubs, apply to the body
  • Leave for 30 minutes
  • Rinse with clean water or shower
12. Yogurt
Yogurt is a dairy product. Yogurt also contains calcium and zinc. Calcium serves to maintain skin moisture and keep it from dehydration, while zinc functions to overcome skin problems. Vitamin B complex can also nourish your skin and make your skin clean and bright naturally.

  • Provide fresh yogurt without taste
  • Use as body scrub
13. Oatmeal
Oatmeal contains many anti-oxidants which function to protect the body from the effects of free radicals that harm internal and external health, especially for your skin.
  1. Provide enough oatmeal
  2. Make oatmeal into porridge
  3. Honey can also be added
  4. Make it scrub
14. Honey
Honey can function as a natural moisturizer and can also lighten the skin, because honey is rich in anti-oxidants which can also lift dead skin. The next natural way to whiten the skin is with honey:
  • Provide enough honey
  • Apply honey throughout the body
  • Let stand for 30 minutes
  • Rinse with clean water while taking a shower
15. Turmeric
Turmeric contains curcumin which functions to neutralize free radicals. Turmeric can be used as a way to whiten skin naturally and quickly for a powerful woman. What you need:
  • Rim milk and turmeric powder
  • Mix to form a paste
  • Apply to the whole body
  • Let stand for 15 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water
16. Banana
Banana fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and is effective for whitening skin naturally.
It's easy:
  • Provide 2 bananas
  • Blend 2 bananas
  • Add 4 tablespoons of honey
  • Mix until blended
  • Apply to the whole body
  • Bathe with warm water
17. Strawberry
Ellagic in strawberries is useful for removing black spots on the skin and can brighten your skin naturally.

How to whiten skin naturally by using strawberry is:
  • Prepare strawberries
  • Puree
  • Mix with milk until thickened
  • Use it as scrubs
18. Avocados
Avocado fruit functions to maintain the moisture of the skin so as to avoid wrinkles and prevent premature aging. Because avocados contain a lot of carotenoid antioxidants, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Vitamin E is useful for preventing premature aging due to exposure to sunlight, while vitamin C is a substance needed to make elastin and collagen in the body. To keep the skin supple.

19. Papaya
The papain enzyme in papaya is useful for regenerating the skin. Vitamins A, C and E function as anti-oxidants and will nourish and maintain the moisture of your skin. Papaya functions as a sunscreen or natural sunscreen for your skin.

  • Prepare papaya fruit
  • Blend the papaya
  • Make it scrub
  • Let stand for 30 minutes
  • Bathe with warm water
  • This method will help your skin to turn white in a natural way.
20. Lime
Lime contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamin C. This prevents pimples on the skin, brightens the skin, overcomes excess oil, and removes dead skin cells.

How to naturally whiten the skin is easy:
  1. Divide the orange into two parts
  2. Apply to the body evenly
  3. Let stand for 30 minutes
  4. Rinse with clean water while taking a shower
Please try one of the 20 ways to whiten the skin of men or women naturally and quickly above. Perform regular maintenance so that you can immediately have clean, shiny white skin. May be useful.
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