Easy Ways To Make Orange Juice

Easy Ways To Make Orange Juice - You can do fruit processing as a juice drink easily, just enter all the necessary ingredients into the juicer, then wait for the process until it is finely shaped as fruit pulp. But if you want to taste delicious, delicious and fresh when you drink it, you must be careful in determining the mixture of fruit, basic ingredients and complementary ingredients. Here's the full tips.
Easy Ways to Make Orange Juice
Tips for Making Juices To Taste Delicious, Delicious and Delicious When Drinked
Maybe you've asked, why is my homemade juice a strange idea? Not delicious, not fresh or even cause stomach nausea (eneg). Even though the steps to make it are correct and the ingredients are complete. What's wrong?
Of course you already understand if the fruits that are used as the main ingredients of processed juice drinks contain vitamins, nutrients, nutrients and enzymes.

That is the main reason for processing orange juice into one of the health drinks that many people like. In addition to delicious taste, how to make it is also not difficult, just need to provide a blender.

Do you know, juice drinks that are processed using a blender machine are actually included in the smoothies category?

Pay attention to its characteristics:
The juice, aka smoothies, has a thick texture, makes it full and shaped like fruit pulp. Whereas the actual juice drink (juice) is fruit juice, usually processed using a machine called juice extractor.

Even so, both have the same health benefits, only in terms of appearance and shape. It's okay if you name smoothies with mijnuman jus, yet the Indonesian population is more familiar with the name.

Easy Tips for Processing Orange Juice Drinks to Have a Fresh Taste
Try to use the composition of fruits that are still fresh so that the flavors and vitamin content can be obtained perfectly.

Avoid mixing two or more ingredients with a smell that is both strong or sharp.
For a more attractive appearance of juice, use a variety of colorful ingredients. For example juice (title name) mixed with red guava (other types of fruit).

Don't hesitate to put lime juice in your homemade juice because it can enrich your taste while eliminating odors from certain ingredients.Lime juice can make juice drinks even better.

3 options to make juice drinks fresher:
1) Mix shaved ice into a blender with other ingredients
2) Use cold ice water instead of plain water
3) Use water then add a few pieces of ice cubes on top of the ready-made juice.
If possible, do not enter sweeteners, sweetened condensed milk or syrup because it can inhibit the absorption of vitamin substances by the body.

But if necessary, make sugar syrup. The method of boiling sugar uses water with a comparison of 1:

1. Sweetener sugar is more soluble and blends with juice drinks than ordinary sugar.
When finished, the juice should be drunk immediately because if it is left too long, the vitamins in the juice drink will be damaged by oxygen and ultraviolet. As a result, the taste is not good and the benefits are not optimal.

The best time to consume juice drinks is before eating so that the absorption of various nutrients can be maximized.

The size of juice for children aged 6 months and under is not better than 177 ml or less than 1 standard glass per day.

Bonus Tips
If you use a juicer, use only the fruit while supporting ingredients such as milk, water, sugar syrup, honey are set aside. You can add ice cubes after the juice comes out or put it into the refrigerator so the juice drinks are fresher.

Back to the initial explanation, juice is a juice extracted by squeezing the water content in the fruit.

Therefore what is produced is fruit juice, the stomach will avoid discomfort or nausea. Different when using a blender machine, which is obtained is a fruit porridge with a thick texture and filling the stomach will certainly be saturated if you continue to drink it every day.

The easy solution, use a thin cloth (gauze) or use a special filter to separate the juice from the foam and fruit fibers that are not completely destroyed.

Ingredients for Making Juice Drinks:
1) Two ripe oranges
2) 80 ml of liquid sugar, enough mineral water
3) Ice cubes as needed
4) Blender machine
How to Make Orange Juice Drinks:
1) Wash all ingredients and peel the skin.
2) Mix everything into a blender and process until smooth.
3) The next filter pour into the glass.
4) Serve immediately
Use citrus fruits that have good quality so that when processed into a juice that has a fresh and delicious taste. Choose ripe citrus fruits that have a sweet taste
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1 Response to "Easy Ways To Make Orange Juice"

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    This simple, yet effective device lets you blend inside of a liquid without the use of a traditional pitcher or carafe blender so you can quickly make many blended items.


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