How to Make the Most Delicious Avocado Juice Special

Like Avocados? Come Check How to Make Super Delicious Avocado Juice Here !!
Like Avocados? Come Check How to Make Super Delicious Avocado Juice Here !! - Some people, nowadays have begun to realize a healthy lifestyle. One way is to exercise regularly.
How to Make the Most Delicious Avocado Juice Special
Besides exercising, there are also those who are very concerned about their food and drinks. An example is consuming healthy drinks such as juice.

Juice is one of the healthiest choices. Besides being healthy, juice is a drink that is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. This healthy drink is made from mashed ingredients. Generally, the ingredients of juice drinks are made from various vegetables and fruits.

The form of juice can be either liquid or runny liquid. Even juice can also be in the form of quintessence with only pulp or quintessence. Tools for making healthy drinks on this one, usually using an electronic device such as a juicer or bleder.

Vegetables that are usually made juices like cucumber, broccoli, carrots, etc. While the fruit, generally used as juice is apple, strawberry, melon, avocado etc.

But on this occasion, we will discuss how to make avocado juice. Before we discuss how to make avocado juice, it's good to know about the origin of avocados. Immediately, we see the explanation below.

Origins of Avocado Fruit
Avocados are fruits that come from Mexico and Central America. The name of the avocado itself comes from the word apocate / avocado.

This name is an adaptation of English avocado. The original name of the alpukad is ahuacatl, read awakatl. This word comes from the language of the Aztec Indians. This tribe inhabits much of Mexico and Central America.

The spread of this fruit, was first carried out by the Spaniards. This happened when they colonized the Central American region in the 16th century. It was the Spanish military officer who introduced the avocado to Europe in 1519. The officer's name was Martin Fernandez de Encisolah. Since then, avocados have spread widely in mainland Europe.

Well for Indonesia itself, this fruit was brought by the Dutch. So this fruit entered Indonesia around the 18th century. Exactly between the years 1920-1930. The spread of avocados in Indonesia is fairly fast.

Many regions in Indonesia are starting to cultivate this plant. Even. Avocado is often used as a garden tree. Maksunya is a fruit that is often planted around the yard. The avocado tree itself can reach heights of up to 20 meters.

The size of the fruit varies greatly. There is a weight starting from 1 ounce, until there is one that reaches 1 kg. The skin of the fruit is green and purple brown. This fruit also has soft fruit flesh.

Types and Variants of Avocado Fruit
Well, before entering into the way to make super delicious avocado juice, it's good for you to know about the types of avocados themselves. Check out the following review:
  • Green Avocado round
This type of avocado comes from the city of Batu, Malang. This type of avocado can bear fruit continuously. But it depends on the location and fertility of the soil. The weight of this type of fruit can reach 300-400 grams / fruit. The fruit length is 9 cm with a diameter of 7.5 cm. The round green avocado type has slippery skin.

In addition, this fruit has yellow spots on the skin. Elongated in shape. Has a rounded tip and a dull base of fruit. His skin is light green when young and turns dark green, when the fruit is ripe. This type of avocado has a good flavor, but is a bit dry.
  • Long Avocado green
This type of avocado is like a pear shape. Has a pointed base of fruit and blunt tip. The weight of this type of avocado is between 300-500 grams / fruit. The skin has a light green color. But after ripe it turns red dark green. Long green avocado has a diameter of about 6.5 cm. The length of this type of avocado is around 11.5-18 cm. In addition this type has thick yellow fruit.
  • Round red avocado
This type of avocado, including avocados that bear fruit continuously. The weight of this type of avocado can reach 0.3-0.4 kg / grain. Has a length of about 9 cm and a diameter of 7.5 cm. The shape of the fruit is rather round. In addition, this type of avocado has brownish red skin. For the fruit flesh, you can say it's quite thick with a good taste.
  • Long red avocados
This type of avocado has a blunt fruit tip, while the base of the fruit is pointed. Fruit weight between 300-500 grams / fruit. Has brownish red green skin, when still young. After being cooked, the skin turns red and black. The fruit length is between 11.5-18 cm. The diameter of this type of avocado is around 6.5-10 cm. The color of this type of avocado is yellow.
  • Mega Avocado is a mess
The mega gagauan avocado is round in size with a fairly large size. The flesh is thick and has a yellow color. The fruit skin color is reddish green. Avocado type mega gagauan weight, can reach 600-800 grams / fruit. The fruit length is between 12.5-17.5 with a diameter of 11.5-15-5.

Mega gagauan avocados have a protein content of 1.49%. In addition this type also has fat content of 6.41%. Avocados are mega gagauan types, per tree can produce around 220-230 pieces per year
  • Mega avocado avocado
This type of mega-avocado avocado has a rather oval round fruit shape. Has a large fruit size. The flesh is thick and has a color like butter. The skin of the fruit is rough and dark green. This type of avocado has an average weight of around 400-600.

The length of this type of avocado is 13-17 cm. While for fruit diameter 10-14 cm. The type of mega myrrh avocado has a protein content of 1.37%. Even this type also has fat content around 7.58%. Yearly, the production of this type of avocado can reach 350-450 pieces per tree.
  • Mega Avocado
Mega panukahan avocado, is a type of avocado that has thick meat. The color of the fruit is dark red. The weight of this type of avocado can reach 250-400 grams / fruit. The shape of the fruit is elongated or oval. With a length of about 13.5-18 cm and a diameter of 7.5-9 cm. Has a protein content of 1.16%. In addition, this type of avocado also has a fat content of around 7.95%. Annual fruit production reaches 880-1000 pieces per tree.

How to make Avocado juice
Avocados are delicious fruits that are consumed directly. But you know, if avocados can also be processed into various foods and drinks. Examples of delicious and refreshing drinks from avocado are avocado juice. The following are ingredients and ways to make avocado juice that you can inspire:

Ingredients for Making Avocado Juice:
  1. The ripe avocado
  2. Boiled water
  3. Adequate sugar
  4. Ice cubes as needed
Steps or how to make avocado juice:
  1. First prepare the glass. This glass will later function for avocado juice containers
  2. Take and split the avocado into two parts
  3. Discard the avocado seeds and get the meat. The trick is to use a spoon. You can also use special fruits.
  4. Then put it in a blender
  5. After that add boiled water and sugar to taste
  6. Blend the avocado until smooth
  7. Add the ice cubes, then pour the avocado juice into the glass
  8. When it's finished, avocado juice is ready to be enjoyed
Eating fruits every day is good for health. Even if you are tired of consuming it directly, you can make it juice. The same is true of the juiced avocados. Avocado juice itself can not only be juiced naturally, as above. There are various combinations that can be used. For example, combined with bananas, oranges or apples.

Besides that it can also be combined with milk, syrup and coffee. It can even be combined with cinnamon if you want. All that depends on the taste of each person.

But keep in mind that pure avocado juice is healthier. This is because, the nutritional content can be maintained pure and not damaged. Now that's how to make avocado juice super delicious. May be useful. Also check out the avocado's nutritional content below, so you know the importance of consuming avocados.

Avocado Nutrition
Besides being delicious, avocados are very good for health. There are so many benefits that we can get from this fruit. Such as can prevent various dangerous diseases. Even by consuming avocados, can help increase the body's metabolism.

For more details we will discuss it here. But before that, we will discuss about the nutritional content of avocados such as:

The first nutrient content in avocados is fat. Although fat but don't misunderstand first. This is because, the fat in avocados is good fat. This amount of fat is about three-quarters of the number of calories in avocados. This means that this fruit has a high fat content. The type of fat in avocados is monounsaturated fat. The form of fat is oleic acid. This type of fat is considered good fat. This is because, this fat can reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Furthermore, this fat can help reduce the risk of stroke.

Besides fat, avocados also have protein content. The protein found in avocados is quite a lot. Each avocado has about 4 grams of protein. You could say compared to other fruits, avocados have more protein content.

In each avocado also has a sugar content. But you need to know, the sugar content in avocados is quite small. Next to or half of an avocado, has 0.2 grams of sugar content. So when you consume this fruit, you don't need to worry about blood sugar

Vitamins and minerals
Like other fruits, avocados also contain minerals and vitamins. Avocado contains potassium. Potassium content in avocados is bigger than banana. Besides avocados also contain vitamins K, C, E2 and vitamin B9. Vitamins and minerals contained in avocados are very good for health.

The last content found in avocados is fiber. Medium-sized avocados contain 11 grams of fiber. As we know, if fiber is one of the nutrients needed by the body.

Benefits of Avocado Fruit
After knowing the nutritional content contained in avocados, here are some of the benefits of avocados that you should know. This information will be a complement before we enter a review on how to make delicious avocado juice:

Overcoming constipation
Fiber contained in avocados can help overcome constipation. For those of you who experience constipation and indigestion, avocados will be very good for you.

Maintain skin health and beauty
Avocados contain unsaturated fats and monosaturated fats. The content is useful to improve skin tone. In addition, unsaturated fats help increase the moisture in the skin of the epidermis. The effect is that you will have healthy, soft skin.

Maintain cardiovascular health
In one study showed, if you consume omega 6 affects cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, they suggested that polyunsaturated fat intake be reduced. Conversely, it would be better if you increase monounsaturated fat. Now avocados are oleic-containing fruits. Oleate is monounsaturated fat. This oleate can reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol)

Lose weight
Some people may not believe, if fat can help you lose weight. Whereas in monounsaturated fats there is acid. Monounsaturated fatty acids that help burn energy. So the fat will not be stored in the body. With slow burning of energy, of course it will cause a feeling of satiety. Even this feeling of satiety can last for days. So consuming avocados, is perfect for those of you who are on a diet.

This one disease can be considered very dangerous. Plus healthy food is now hard to come by. So the risk of getting this disease is even higher. Symptoms can include frequent urination, drastic weight loss, etc. If you experience these symptoms, it's a good idea to see a doctor.

Then what is the role of avocados for this disease? As we know, avocados have fungal unsaturated fats. This fat reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. Furthermore, by maintaining cholesterol intake, it can help reduce the risk of developing diabetes

Arthritis and gout
This one disease, more often attacks people who are old / aged. Diseases that cause joint inflammation and pain, are called Osteoarthitis. Avocados contain anti-inflammatory substances. This substance can help reduce pain in rheumatism. In addition, monounsaturated fats and vitamins in avocados can help reduce joint inflammation

Prevent cancer
In the avocado contains phytochemicals. Phytochemicals have been studied by experts, can help prevent the development of certain cancers. Avocados have chemopreventive characteristics. This characteristic is very good for cancer prevention diet strategies.

Prevent high blood pressure
Avocados are fruits that contain potassium. You could say that avocados are a great source of potassium. Potassium can help control blood pressure in the body. So this fruit is very good for those of you who have high blood pressure.

Prevent birth defects
Avocados are rich in folate and vitamin B. One avocado can meet 23% of a person's daily folic acid. For this reason, this fruit is very good for pregnant women. This is because folic acid in avocados can help prevent birth defects. Like spina bifida and nerve defects.

Maintain heart health
This disease is one of the highest causes of death. The cause of this disease is high cholesterol levels. It could also be due to high trigriserida or high blood pressure. Consuming avocados can reduce bad cholesterol.

Furthermore avocados can significantly reduce trigriseride levels. For this reason, by consuming avocados, you can maintain heart health.

Wow, it turns out there are also many benefits of this avocado. It seems that with this information you are increasingly interested in knowing how to make delicious avocado juice right?
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