How to Make Carrot Juice Practically Tasty Refreshing

Carrots are one of the vegetables that are healthy and very good for the body. Because carrots contain many benefits and nutritional content which is very good for the health of the body.

According to the results of research conducted by scientists, the body needs beta-carotene to make vitamin A and one of the foods that contain beta-carotene is carrots.
How to make carrot juice
Vitamin A helps the eye's performance in converting light into signals that can be processed by the brain, thanks to this help one can see objects or objects in minimal light conditions.

In addition to eye health. The content of vitamin A in carrots can help eliminate eye disorders. So, for those of you who want to have healthy eyes, you should multiply eating these carrot vegetables.

Not only for eye health, carrot juice containing carotenoid antioxidants is claimed to reduce the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer by up to 20%. Other research shows more or less the same results as lung cancer. The researchers believe that this effect is caused by the content of xanthophylls, gamma-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and alpha-carotene in carrots.

One way to eat carrots is to consume them in the form of juice. For this reason, in this article the author will try to discuss the steps and how to make carrot juice that is also healthy.

In this post the author will share about how to make carrot juice that is good and healthy for the body. Without any further ado, we just prepared the ingredients needed to make this carrot juice.

  1. 1 carrot
  2. 3 sweet oranges
  3. Adequate sugar
  4. Adequate boiled water
  5. Ice cubes (if you want to drink it cold)
  1. Wash carrots thoroughly. Then peel and cut into cubes
  2. Then you can split the orange and squeeze the water
  3. Add carrots, sugar and water to the blender then blender the ingredients until smooth
  4. Add orange juice from the orange that has been squeezed before and mix well
  5. Pour into a glass and add ice cubes to taste.
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