What Is Spam Email And Its Cause ?

SPAM e-mail can be interpreted as junk mail or junk mail. As the name implies, spam has the nature to send electronic messages repeatedly to email owners. This is done by a number of individuals who misuse the messaging system. As a result, they also shared messages in the form of advertisements or promotions en masse to everyone. Of course this will cause discomfort to the person who received the SPAM message. The party responsible for sending junk mail is then referred to as a spammer. Too many SPAM emails certainly have a bad impact because they can reduce the inbox space and are less eye-catching.
What Is Spam Email
What is the Content of an SPAM Email?
Usually the contents of the SPAM email are in the form of promotional advertisements for certain products or services. The sender usually does not only come from the recipient country, but usually also comes from other countries. No wonder the contents of the SPAM e-mail usually use a foreign language that is unknown to the recipient. Some of them offer promotions in certain language styles that attract attention. 

The goal here is clear, namely to offer certain products or services to all customers. Because of the mass delivery, electronic messaging services such as Google, Yahoo, Yandex, etc. provide SPAM email flter features. This is to prevent junk e-mail from entering the user's inbox and disturbing other e-mails that are more important / priority. The nature of this SPAM email is still in the normal stage, but it is enough to make it uncomfortable because it comes continuously every day.

Meanwhile, there are also SPAM emails that have malicious purposes, namely spreading viruses, malware, and other dangerous devices. This will happen instantly when the user opens the email. This is not the first time. Because, there have been many cases of the spread of viruses such as Ransomware, Trojans and so on that infect PCs or Smartphones. This virus spreads when a user opens a SPAM e-mail containing the virus. This type of email is certainly very dangerous. Besides making it uncomfortable, this kind of email is also troubling because it makes your device run abnormally. Because the virus has infected the device fatally.

Other types of SPAM emails usually contain news about hoaxes or certain issues made by irresponsible individuals. The spread of hoaxes will certainly be troubling because it creates gossip that is not yet known with certainty. Many people are finally confused by the news. In addition, hoaxes that are already rampant can compete with certain parties, influence the policies taken, and make people uneasy.

Causes of Email Entering Spam
SPAM e-mail can also occur because of an accidental action that we did. So if you want to send an email with the format below, you should be careful. Because, your email will automatically enter SPAM automatically.

Entangled Filter Content
Never enter Viagra words into emails that you send to other Gmail or Yahoo users. Because, these words can make your email not sent to the recipient's inbox. In fact, the e-mail will be immediately spam because it doesn't pass the content filter. You may have a clean IP Address, but if the content you submit is not in accordance with the terms and conditions that apply, or even considered dirty, then Gmail or Yahoo will not hesitate to include it in the SPAM category. The solution is to use good words when sending emails. Jangaan sends words that are classified as "gray" or indecent.

Recipient Marking Your Message As Spam
If there are people who don't like to get certain messages from unknown parties, they might mark the email as spam. This happens a lot if they are connected to certain sites that provide e-mail replies in the form of up-to-date notifications. If your activity on the web is quite intense, then the notification email that goes to the email will also be overwhelming. Usually this is often found on social media sites. To anticipate this, users usually mark related emails by selecting the Mark As Spam menu. So every time there is an incoming email from the sender marked Mark As Spam, the message will automatically enter the spam folder. This is where the sender of the email should not be careless in sending electronic messages. Because there are times when the accepting party is not comfortable with this. Then they will mark it as spam.

IP Address Server Doesn't Have a Good Reputation
SPAM email also occurs because the server's related IP Address does not have a good reputation. Worse, the server has been included in the list of spam blacklists because it sends too many electronic messages of SPAM type. Usually the IP that is blacklisted is IP shared which is widely used together. Although the sender of the email has a different level of intensity, often this shared ip address will impact on the blacklist. The solution is to ask the provider of the IP Address related to fix the IP used.

Incoming One Category Email
Messages entered in SPAM e-mail are usually categorized as one-way e-mails. This usually occurs in new domains that are conducting activities. When the domain sends messages to other parties using Gmail, the message will automatically enter the spam folder. If the message is then replied to by the recipient, the reply message will enter the inbox as before.

Tips for Not Entering SPAM Email
There are many steps you can take to prevent e-mail from entering SPAM. The trick is to use the e-mail wisely. And you should avoid using vulgar words. A vulgar message has the potential to make your mail immediately considered junk mail. 

You must prioritize the convenience of those who receive messages from you so that later they will not mark your message as spam. This often happens because sending emails is too massive and often. Notifications from e-mail websites that don't need to make users mark them as junk messages. In addition, so that the computer is not infected with malware, adware, or dangerous viruses, you should not open SPAM emails carelessly.

Because the email has been filtered directly by electronic messaging providers such as Gmail and Yahoo. If it has been filtered by a professional party, but you keep opening it then you have to pay the price yourself. You never know who the sender of the e-mail is, whether a human or a computer system robot works. If you really want to send messages to other users, you should really list the contents of the email that is appropriate and professional. This can make your email sent normally to other users via the inbox.
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