How to Make Colored Posts on WhatsApp

Sending pictures, videos or messages is a common activity carried out by social media users. One of the most popular and widely used social media today is WhatsApp. There are many ways that WhatsApp users do to make the message they send interesting, for example by changing the message color on WhatsApp.

You can change the color of writing on WhatsApp easily through the help of an application. Many applications that you can use to change the color of writing, one of them is TextArt. If you want to make colored writing on the WhatsApp message, here are the steps you must do:

1. Download and Install the TextArt application on the Google Play Store.
2. After it's installed, open the application.
3. Type your words in the fields provided, for example: Hi ... how are you ???
How to Make Colored Posts on WhatsApp
4. After writing the words you want, click "OK"
5. To change the color of the writing letters, click the "Change color" option, then choose your color.

6. After finished changing the writing color, click the "Send on Whatsapp" button. Then please select your destination contact and send it.

Besides changing the color of the writing, you can also change the model of the text "TextArt presets", change the font "Change letters", change the background of the text "Background image" to edit the text, and others. To delete a post, click the icon to the right of Edit text.

This is how you can make colored writing on WhatsApp. That way, the writing on your WhatsApp message becomes more interesting. May be useful.
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