Understanding Domain Authority and Page Authority on Blogs

Understanding Domain Authority and Page Authority on Blogs - The definition of a domain authority and page authority or commonly referred to as DA and PA is a reference for the quality level of a blog since the news circulated that Google no longer updates PageRank.

Google's famous pagerank seems to have died, or Google itself is no longer relying on PageRank as a determinant of the quality of a website or blog. Google pagerank gives the number 10 as the highest pagerank, to get pagerank from google only parties from Google determine.

After Google PageRank did not hear the latest update, now the domain authority and page authority are alternatives to Google PR.
Understanding Domain Authority and Page Authority on Blogs
A web or blog has a good quality value if DA or PA has a high value, for the DA and PA values themselves set the number 100 as the highest number. It's different from Google PR, which only reaches 10.

We can see domain authority and page authority every month, in contrast to Google PageRank which is not clear when the update, we can even see an increase in DA and PA at any time, the problem of the speed of the DA or PA increase depending on ourselves. Can be seen for information and full explanation in the continuation of this article.

Understanding domain authority
Domain Authority commonly referred to as Domain Authority is a measure of the strength of a domain name in the eyes of a search engine (google, bing, yahoo, etc.). Athority domain can be based on 3 factors, namely age domain, popularity, and size. By having these 3 factors the web / blog will easily get high rankings in search results ..

1. Age of domain
Age or the age of a domain determines the value of the DA or the higher, the longer the domain is active and enduring, the higher the value of the DA. This shows that the domain owner is very consistent with the domain in his management.

2. Popularity of a domain in the value of the number of incoming links (Inbound links) from quality sites, Inbound links can be interpreted as giving recommendations to your own site (backlinks) this method can be obtained by commenting on other blogs (blogwalking), or active in a forum. This is proven to be effective in boosting visitor traffic and strengthening SERP on search results.

3. The size of a domain is measured by the number of pages of posts that exist on a blog itself, the more the number of posts or articles that are of quality, will increase the number of inbound links to the web / blog. Unlike new blogs that are still poor with content or articles.

Definition of Page authority
Page Authority or often called Page Authority describes certain page popularity of sites / blogs found in search engines. Higher Page Authority describes the most likely site pages / blogs appear on search engines.

Note that the page authority is related to the page in the site, not the site itself. Sites / blogs that have PA with high scores will be better than sites that have small PAs and win competition in search results.

That is why Page authority depends on ourselves, the more consistent we are with the blog, the more PA values ​​from our blog will increase.

How to Increase Page Authority
Google always demands the original, quality content in the eyes of Google is an original article, fresh and new and relevant. You can regularly update articles, make quality posts, and create pillar articles for your blog. The importance of a pillar article makes the position of your blog stronger in the eyes of search engines.

The domain authority and page authority are set at a count of 0-100, the higher the DA and PA values, the more quality the site will be.

How to check Domain authority and page authority
DA and PA are set at a count of 0-100, the higher the DA and PA values, the higher the quality of the site. You can use one of the site addresses below to find out how high the DA and PA value of your blog is.

Just enter your blog URL to check it.
  1. http://moz.com/researchtools/ose
  2. http://websiteseochecker.com/domain-authority-checker
  3. http://moonsy.com/domain_authority
  4. http://moonsy.com/page_authority
  5. http://smallseotools.com/domain-authority-checker
  6. http://smallseotools.com/page-authority-checker
  7. http://99webtools.com/page-authority-domain-authority-checker.php
Or you can use Moz bar for Google Chrome and Mozilla.
  • https://moz.com/tools/seo-toolbar
Addition: If you use blogspot, the Domain authority has a high value (average 90) because it uses a popular subdomain.
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