Easy Ways to Get Sitelinks from Google

How do you get or get a sitelink from Google? what is clear is that this is still Google's kitchen secret, because the terms and criteria for getting a site link are only Google that determines. I just share my experiences here, with what I have learned and practiced directly.

Why do I say it's fast and easy to get a site link? Because in reality this blog gets a sitelink from Google in just 2 months. This is included in the short and fast time category in getting Google sitelinks.
Easy Ways to Get Sitelinks from Google
This blog is only about 2 months old since the post was published (whois check). If you also use Domain TLD, or custom domain, you can also check how to easily find domain registers. The Whois site will display complete information, dates and expiration periods, and other detailed information. (if not in Hiden)

Well, back to the point of discussion, what is called sitelink or often called site link is the sub link that appears below our site's URL, when doing a specific search using the name of our blog.

For example, I type the name of my blog on a Google search "my website", it will automatically display another URL just below our Homepage URL. If our blog has gotten a sitelink from Google, usually this sublink will appear in the number 4-6, but there are also those that appear (appear) 8-10.

Of course this is special, because not all sites / websites get sitelinks from Google.

Sitelink is given directly from Google because the site or website is considered to meet certain criteria, this is considered special. Because certain criteria must be sought or attempted by the owner of the web / blog.

Google gave the award sign in the form of sitelink, google appreciation for the site / web / blog that has passed the test. The criteria include the age or age of the blog, the traffic of visitors that are already established or there are pages of posts that are included in the top 10 Google searches, as well as certain criteria from Google, which assesses our site or website.

The point is that the site or web that has received a sitelink from Google, has more value in the eyes of Google itself

How to get Google sitelink quickly
Using the top level domain (TLD)

Sites that use a top-level domain (TLD) will be considered a serious site (it does not mean that subdomains are not serious) this is only Google's assessment of the domain.

Blogspot itself has long provided custom domain facilities, so you can change or replace (transfer) the blogspot sub domain to .com .net .org .biz and so on very easily.

Top-level domains (TLDs) provide more value to your site or blog, usually more priority (superior) on the search results of an article on search engines.

Use a good and correct template

A good template is not necessarily good and right, to ensure that the template you are using is good and correct, please check your blog template using the Tool from Google

Be sure to install good navigation on your blog
Register your blog with google webmaster tools, make sure your web / blog has been verified on Google webmaster, install the sitemap for your blog's custom domain, sitemap (site map) is very important. By submitting a blog sitemap to Google's automated Google robot, it will immediately crawl your site.

Update posts regularly
Usually the most difficult thing is this stage, we cannot ignore this one thing. Most bloggers don't have a lot of time to update their articles every day.

In practice, try to update posts in succession for 2 months, we don't need to be desperate to write posts. Just half dead enough, 1 day at least 1 article post.

Google will be more serious about blogs that look active, especially blogs that are active every day (update) Google will pay more attention and give priority to blogs like this.

Avoid external links
For new blogs, you should not use an external link first, that is a link that brings out to another blog page. Unless we make a link to an external link to Google's page.


External links will actually provide a backlink to the blog that we link to, other blogs are not necessarily good in Google's eyes. So for a new blog, try to put an internal link in our own blog, which is the link in our post that goes to another page on our own blog (related article),

Never use or utilize traffic exchange sites to increase visitor traffic to your blog. Google prefers natural traffic, one of which is a unique visitor, that is, visitors who come from search engine results.

It is safer to use social media to capture visitors, while promoting your blog. If you want to quickly get a sitelink, your blog must be really clean. Especially from the unclear traffic exchange program.

Well, how did you experience getting a sitelink from Google? It's a personal experience and try to share it for you, the problem is difficult or not depending on your own implementation.
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