What is JavaScript? Basic Understanding for Beginners

What is JavaScript
What is JavaScript - For beginners, of course there will be questions, what is JavaScript? JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages used in the past twenty years. Even JavaScript is also known as one of the three main programming languages for web developers:
  1. HTML: Allows you to add content to web pages.
  2. CSS: Determines the layout, style, and alignment of a website page.
  3. JavaScript: Improve the appearance and system of a web page.
What is JavaScript Prefix?
JavaScript can also be studied quickly and easily and is used for many purposes, starting from increasing website functionality to activating a game and a web-based software. In addition, there are also thousands of JavaScript templates and applications that you can use for free and all of these services from several sites, such as Github.

What is JavaScript? - History of JavaScript
What is JavaScript? - History of JavaScript
JavaScript was created for ten days by Brandan Eich, an employee of the Netscape Company, in September 1995. Initially this programming language was called Mocha, then changed to Mona, then LiveScript and finally officially bore the name JavaScript. The initial version of this language was limited to Netscape only. The functionality offered is still limited. However, JavaScript is constantly being developed by a community of developers who never stop working on this programming language.

JavaScript Naming
In 1996, JavaScript was officially named ECMAScript, where ECMAScript 2 was inaugurated in 1998 and ECMAScript 3 was launched in 1999. The ECMAScript was developed until it finally became JavaScript as we know it today. Not only cross browser, JavaScript can also be used on various devices, including on mobile devices and computers. Since then, JavaScript has continued to grow. In the end in 2016, 92% of websites were known to use JavaScript. In just twenty years, JavaScript has switched from a limited and 'lagging' programming language to one of the most important tools for
web developer.

What are the advantages of JavaScript?
  1. There are several advantages of JavaScript that make programming languages
  2. this is superior compared to its rivals, especially in
  3. certain cases.
  4. Here are some of the advantages of JavaScript:
  5. You don't need to need a compiler because the web browser can interpret it with HTML.
  6. Easier to learn when compared to other programming languages.
  7. Errors or errors are easier to find and repair.
  8. Can be assigned to web page elements or certain events, such as clicks or mouseovers.
  9. JS can be used in many browsers, platforms and others.
  10. You can also use JavaScript to validate inputs and reduce data checking manually.
  11. With JavaScript, your website will become more interactive and also be able to attract more web visitors.
  12. Faster and lighter than other programming languages.
What is the lack of JavaScript?
Every programming language must have flaws. One reason is the more popular programming language you choose, such as JavaScript. The popularity, unfortunately, attracted the attention of hackers, scammers, and other dangerous third parties to look for security holes.
Some JavaScript disadvantages:
  1. High risk of exploitation.
  2. Can be used to activate a malicious code on the user's computer.
  3. Not always supported by various browsers and certain devices.
  4. The JavaScript code snippet is pretty much.
  5. Can be rendered differently on each device which can lead to inconsistencies.
How Do You Work and Benefit JavaScript on Your Website?
Benefit JavaScript on Your Website
Usually JavaScript is embed directly to a website page or directed through a separate .js file. JavaScript is a client-side language which means that the script is downloaded on a device owned by visitors to your site, then processed there. Unlike the server-side language that runs on the server before the programming language sends the file to the site visitor. Please note, some web browsers also sometimes offer opportunities for users to disable JavaScript. Because of that, it is highly recommended for users to find out what has happened to an event that has been downloaded to a machine that does not even support it.

Why do JavaScript differ from other programming languages?
The reason why JavaScript is one of the popular programming languages ​​is that it is easy to learn and use. It is known that many developers have finally made JavaScript the best programming language. Other programming languages ​​are only needed if a developer wants something more specific. 

Just imagine we are building a house. HTML is like the structure of a house and a backrest for doors and walls, while CSS is like a carpet and wallpaper that adorns every corner of your house so it looks more beautiful and attractive. 

JavaScript, in this case, adds responsiveness so you can open the door and turn on the lights. You can also not use lights or do not need a door. However, the risk is a dark and worn house, like a building that has been established since 1995. This is the same as when you use JavaScript for web sites.

How to make JavaScript on your website?
To enter a JavaScript code string into the webpage, you must use the <script> tag code. You can also see the example below to check the results of the display:
<script type = "text / javascript">
Your JavaScript code
</ script> 
We recommend that you include JavaScript into the <header> tag code for your site, unless the language must be run at a certain time or with certain website page elements. JavaScript code can also be stored with separate files and 'call' files if needed on the website

So, is that JavaScript?
Discussing the notion of JavaScript is very easy. JavaScript is a programming language that makes your website alive and interesting. This language is certainly different from HTML (which controls the content side) and CSS (which manages the layout side). Also different from PHP, this programming language is run on the device visitors of your website, not on the server.

Some things you should know about JavaScript:
  1. JavaScript is easy to learn. Developed by Netscape and until now it has been used by 92% of websites in the world.
  2. Can be transferred to an element of a particular web page or event, such as clicks.
  3. Can be used in various browsers and devices.
  4. Faster and lighter than other programming languages.
Low security when compared to other programming language options. This is due to its increasing popularity.

JavaScript can be directly created in HTML or can be stored in a separate file and its functionality can be used if needed.

In the end you now know why JavaScript is so popular: it has the best advantages and quality. Hopefully this article can answer your curiosity about what JavaScript is and its functions and how it works. If you have questions about JavaScript, please write in the comments column below
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