Why Meta Description Are Still Important for SEO

Almost all webmasters or bloggers are sure to know the "Meta Description", this tag is almost always in a page, especially WordPress CMS users who use SEO plugins such as Yoast, AIO, Platinum SEO where the plugin always gives a blank space to fill as meta description of the content or even create it automatically if we don't fill it.

How important is the Meta Description that it can't be empty ???
Before talking further about the meta description problem, you already know what is meta description and function?

What is Meta Description?
Meta description is one of the Meta Tags that describe the contents of a page and can be read by search engines. The Meta Tag itself is an HTML code that serves to provide information to search engines. There are many meta tags that can be read by search engines not just meta descriptions, but for meta tags that can be read and understood by Google, there are only a few.

A lot of debate whether we must fill this meta description or let Google automatically give us a description as a snippet in search results.

By default Google does not take meta descriptions as snippets displayed in search results.

Meta description is used by Google as an alternative if Google cannot find the right information as a snippet and the meta description that you create contains keywords that the user typed, then Google will use your meta description as a Search Results snippet.

Examples such as the following case (you can also try it):
  • I typed the keyword "Due to lack of water" then check the website Hellosehat. The snippets displayed by Google are:
  • "The function of your organs will be reduced if you lack of water consumption. As a result, the body's organs cannot work optimally in ... "
  • whereas if I check directly the page's web pages the meta description is made different from what is displayed by Google.
  • "Sometimes even though you are not too thirsty your body gives a signal to tell you that you are short on drinking water"
For this reason, many people consider it unnecessary to fill in the meta description of the content page. But this is not entirely true, because it cannot be applied to all pages.

For example: Homepage that uses a dynamic post system, where every time there is a new post, the homepage will change, Google will have difficulty in determining the snippet for your website page (homepage), if you don't make a meta description, usually the snippet for the homepage will also change- change every homepage there are changes.

Therefore, you should use meta descriptions on all pages of your website, although Google will later generate its own snippet for your website pages.

Meta Description is the 2nd alternative from Google to determine snippets in search results, so it doesn't hurt if you always optimize meta descriptions.

Matt meta description problem has also been discussed by Matt Cut - Google Enginer, here I write back a quote that Google says:

We do use the meta description tag.
The meta description is really useful, because if we don't know what to make a good snippet, and you have something in the meta description tag that would basically give a pretty good answer, maybe it matches what the user type in or something along those lines, then we do reserve the right to show that the meta description tag as SNIPPET.

So we can either show the snippet that might be the keyword in the context on the page or the meta description.

Now, if the meta description is really well written and really compelling, then a person who sees it might click through more often.

So, if you are a good person someone who is paying attention to conversion and not just ranking on trophy phrases, then you might want to pay some attention to testing different meta descriptions that might result in more clicks through and possibly more conversions.

So don't do anything deceptive, like you say you're about apples when you are really about red widgets that are completely unrelated to apples, but if you have a good and compelling meta description that can be useful.

But at a 50,000 foot level, don't pay attention to the keywords meta tags, but the description meta tags is worth paying attention to.
From the above Matt Cut quote we can conclude that the Meta Description Tag is appropriate for you to pay attention not only to SEO but also CTR into your website.

If the meta description you make attracts more attention than your competitor's website, your website will be more clickable than your competition's.

So for those of you who are just starting to learn SEO, you should always fill in this meta description so that Google can more easily recognize the contents of your posting page.

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