SEO Tips: Is Important Finding a DoFollow Blog List

SEO is a complex technical series to make a website achieve the best search results on page 1 of the search engine, in addition to prioritizing articles and interesting content to optimize SEO On Page, Offpage SEO by finding backlinks

DoFollow blog is a lot of things sought by SEO practitioners or people who want to learn optimization. DoFollow blog list you can get where by googling with the keyword "DoFollow Blog List" and various other keywords to find a list of DoFollow blogs.
Is Important Finding a DoFollow Blog List
But is searching for DoFollow blogs really important and should be considered in SEO optimization? find out the answer in the following article:

DoFollow blogs can be said to be a search for every blogger, because not every blog can we leave a comment with a DoFollow backlink, mostly only a DoFollow backlink. Every day you might find a list of the latest up to date dofollow blogs to simply leave a DoFollow backlink.

But is that still important? Do you really have to look for a DoFollow blog list? before I answer there may still be some who don't understand what dofollow and nofollow mean.

then first read the understanding of the following 2 types of backlinks

Meaning & Definition of DoFollow Blog
DoFollow means a link that is included when commenting on a blog post and can be traced further by Google as a search engine, which means your comments on a blog can improve the status of your website in the eyes of Google

Difference between Nofollow and Dofollow
Besides Dofollow backlinks there is another type of backlink, nofollow, which is the opposite of the following dofollow backlink.

NoFollow is a link that is very different from a DoFollow link, the type of NoFollow link will not be searched by Google as a search engine, which means your backlink will be of no value or very low value in Google's eyes.

How to Distinguish Dofollow and Nofollow Backlinks
How to distinguish Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks is actually very easy. You can see the backlink is located on the source code, in the nofollow backlink there will be information "rel = nofollow" while the dofollow backlink does not have that description.

Add On / Software to Check DoFollow and Nofollow Backlinks
Actually it is very easy to check whether the website has a nofollow or dofollow backlink in its comments, how to use an add on from Mozzila Firefox that can distinguish very easily dofollow and nofollow backlinks. Likewise in the Google Chrome browser, all you have to do is access the Chrome Webstore and install the extension which best suits your needs.

The conclusion that we can get from the discussion of the article about the importance of finding a DoFollow blog is: Yes, looking for a DoFollow backlink is very important, but do not get hung up by just looking for a list of DoFollow blogs that update every month or the latest updates. There are still many channels that we can find to find DoFollow backlinks, not only from DoFollow blogs, but can be obtained through social bookmarks, forum signatures or from the Subbision directory.

so are you still hunting dofollow blog listings or not ?? or find another channel that is easier?
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