How to Lower Your Website's Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of website visitors who immediately leave the website after opening one of the pages and is not interested in opening other pages on your website.

The higher the bounce rate of your website, the harder it will be for your website to be in a good position on a search page, like Google.
How to Lower Your Website's Bounce Rate
How to Lower Your Website's Bounce Rate
But you don't need to worry, there are several ways to reduce the bounce rate, what is it? Check out the explanation below:

1. Improve Content Quality
Content on a website is one of the factors that influence the percentage rate of bounce rate. If you are able to create content that is interesting and easily understood by website visitors, then visitors will like to linger on your website.

There are many other websites that discuss similar topics with your website, so it is possible to make visitors switch to another website. Therefore, you must create the best content possible. How to?

First, make the article into short paragraphs. Because most visitors like to read quickly and effectively.

Second, take advantage of subheading. Subheading will help the reader to find important points in an article without reading the entire contents of the article.

Third, create content visualization. Visualizing the content in articles will eliminate the boredom of website visitors while on your website. Content visualization can be in the form of pictures or videos.

2. Don't Overdo Using Popups
Popup is a feature that can help you get leads through subscriber websites or newsletters. But avoid using excessive popups.

Excess here means that it continues to display popup pages in a short span of time. Try to set the time the popup appears appropriately, so that it does not interfere with visitor activity when accessing your website.

3. Increase Website Speed
Website speed is one of the factors that influence a website's bounce rate. Why? Because website visitors will pay attention to loading the website. Long loading will make it easy for visitors to leave your website, and vice versa.

Known from research conducted by research by Gomez, Gomez interviewed 1,500 customers about how the website's speed impacts when shopping. And the results state that loading a website from 2 to 10 seconds will increase the abandonment ratio by 38%. That means your website must have a website loading in under 2 seconds.

Therefore, it is important for you to pay attention to the level of website speed. How do you know the speed of your website now? Read the previous article about 3 tools to check website speed.

4. Create a Website with a Mobile Friendly Design
Mobile devices are devices that are widely used by website users, including in Indonesia.

Based on research conducted by Kata Data, said cell phone users in Indonesia reached 371.4 million users (142 percent) of the total population of 262 million people. This means that almost all Indonesian residents use mobile devices, some even use more than 1 mobile device.

5. Link building settings
When creating content (articles) of course you often do link building, be it internal links or backlinks. When backlinking, the thing you need to do is set the link to "Open in New Tab". Different if the link you place will lead to the same website, "Open in Same Window" is enough for this.

If you don't, imagine that when a website visitor opens three links in an article, the website user must press the "back" button 3 times to return to the first page.

Of course this will make visitors uncomfortable when using your website and can leave your website. So the percentage of your website's bounce rate will continue to increase.
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