How to Adjust the Color of the Address Bar Browser With a Website Theme

Meta Tag Theme Color - This tutorial will discuss a way to adjust the color of the browser theme (Chrome, Firefox & Opera) with the website theme. The method we use to change or adjust the browser's theme address bar color is to use the theme color meta tag. In the era of modern android browsers already support color adjustments to the theme bar with theme websites including blogger sites.

Maybe you have also noticed this when opening giant sites like Facebook, YouTube and others when accessed through the Chrome browser will automatically change the color of the address bar according to the color of their templates. That adjustment certainly didn't just happen but rather a theme-color meta tag that set it up.

Best practice:
Before adding the theme-color meta tag to the html template, find out in advance the color code of your website template, for example if the site header is green (# 003c30) then add the color code to the color-meta theme so that the color theme address bar of the browser can follow the site's template color, or Combine appropriate colors so that the appearance of the site in a mobile browser looks awesome, for example; The dental site template page is dominated by white in the header, so to get an awkward color combination I added black (# 0e0e0e) to the meta theme-color.

The picture above is an example of the browser's address bar display before using the meta theme color and after using the meta theme color, websites that are fitted with a meta tag theme color will ask the browser to adjust the address bar color to the color requested by the meta theme-color so that the website will look more awesome.
How to Adjust the Color of the Address Bar Browser With a Website Theme
How to Install the Meta Theme Color
Add the following theme color meta tags into the html template of your website right between the opening tags <head> and closing </head>.
  • <meta content='#color-code' name='theme-color'/>
  • <meta content='#d32f2f' name='theme-color'/>
Note the code "# d32f2f" and change the color code according to the color code you want or use the website template code so that the theme address bar blends with the color of the website theme.

Info: The Meta theme color supports Google Chrome, Firefox & Opera browsers "Android devices", please see the results by opening the site through the browser on your smartphone.

Note: If you want to apply <meta> theme-colors that support on many types of devices and browsers please use the meta theme color below:
<!-- Support Google Chrome, Firefox & Opera -->
<meta content='#d32f2f' name='theme-color'/>
<!-- Support Windows Phone & Safari iOS -->
<meta content='#d32f2f' name='msapplication-navbutton-color'/>
<meta content='yes' name='apple-mobile-web-app-capable'/>
<meta content='#d32f2f' name='apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style'/>
Meta theme color tags above support for adjusting the color of the theme in the Google Chrome, Firefox & Opera browsers on Android devices, Windows Phone browsers and iOS iOS. To support the performance of meta tags, you should use the "color hexadecimal" color code.

Similarly, an explanation of the meta theme color as well as a guide on how to apply the meta tag theme color to set or adjust the color of the browser address bar with the website theme color. Hopefully it will be useful and see you later, don't forget to follow and subscribe.
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