4 Tips for Successful Facebook Ads

4 Tips for Successful Facebook Ads
Advertise using Facebook Ads does provide a great advantage to your business. Many are successful, but many also fail to advertise on Facebook Ads. The following 4 tips to successfully advertise on Facebook Ads:

1. Understand Your Target Audience Character
One of the advantages of Facebook Ads is that it provides a target audience feature that matches your ad. Before you advertise, make sure that you really know the character of the target audience you want to target. To be able to know more clearly what the character of the target audience is indeed rather difficult. But here you can follow the example of your business competitors to determine it or you can also create your own target audience or buyer person according to the article that I discussed about creating a buyer persona for your business. You can also use a tool called Google Display Planner (GDP), this tool can give you a clear picture of the characters of people who visit your website.

2. Create Interesting Ad Content
Facebook Ads are very dependent on the content that you create. You must be able to create content that is able to attract the audience to use the services / products that you advertise. The following 4 components of content that must be present in the content of your ad:

a. Visual
Google really likes visual content, not only that, visual content is also easier to share and remember than written content. No matter what type of ad you make, your ad must be visually appealing.

b. Relevant
Relevance is important for the success of your advertisement, relevance is related to the target audience, if you show ads that are relevant to your target audience, you are only wasting your time and costs. Facebook has a feature that can detect how relevant your ad is through a score. The more relevant the content you make, the higher your score, and Facebook will prioritize your ads.

c. Have a Good Proposition
The ad that you create must have a value proposition that can tell readers why they should click on your ad. The proposition that you make must also be trustworthy. Propositions that you can make such as giving discounts or bonuses to your prospective clients.

d. Call to Action (CTA)
A good ad without a CTA (an important point to attract potential customers) will not produce anything. CTA is an action button that directs your prospective client to take an action.

3. Take advantage of the Features Provided by Facebook Ads
Facebook has provided several features that can facilitate you when using Facebook Ads, Facebook also always makes changes and fixes all the features that are increasingly sophisticated and easy to use. Here are some of the newest advertising features of Facebook Ads:

a. Custom Audience
If you have customer email data, then by using a custom audience you can enter the data into Facebook and Facebook will detect who your customers have a Facebook account.

b. Retargeting
Retargeting is used to find out people who have visited your website, so that after logging into your website, they will go to Facebook and can see your ad.

c. Conversion Tracking
With the conversion tracking feature you can find out how many people are buying your product by putting a product in the shopping basket on your website. Conversion Tracking can also find out the number of people who filled out the form that you have provided, so you can know how effective your ad is.

d. Lookalike Audience
This new feature is able to create a new target audience that has similarities with the character of your old audience. That way this can make it easier for you to group your target audience automatically.

4. Convert Ads Right
Conversion here means how to make customers who already know your product become more loyal through the promotion of advertising that you make. You must maximize your business in various aspects, such as work systems, work technology used or work culture. That way this will support the success of your business to be more developed. To convert your business for the better you can do the CRM implementation process that I explained in the previous article.

The explanation above is 4 ways that you can implement your business when doing the advertisement process through Facebook Ads.
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