3 Tools To Check Website Speed

As a website owner, it is important to know the speed of your website when used by users. Website speed will affect the traffic of your website visitors.
3 Tools To Check Website Speed
3 Tools To Check Website Speed
When someone accesses your website with a long loading, then the visitor is uncomfortable and "not comfortable" linger on your website. Surely this will increase the percentage of your website's bounce rate right?

Usually the speed of a website is influenced by several things:
Use of multimedia used (pictures or videos).

  • Source website theme.
  • Hosting server used.
The use of plugins or addons that are not in accordance with the specifications (CPU and Ram) on hosting used by a website.

To find out the speed of the website, you can use the following 3 tools:

1. Google PageSpeed ​​Insights
Google PageSpeed ​​Insights is one of Google's tools used to determine the speed (speed) of a website.

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights will provide some information about the speed (speed) of your website as below:
  • Google PageSpeed ​​Insights will give your website speed categories, such as fast, average (standard), or slow. Each category has its own scale value.
  • Data Field and Origin Summary
  • Data fields and origin summary display speed values ​​based on First Contentful Paint and First Input Delay.
  • First Contentful Paint is the time that the image or text first appears, while the First Input Delay is the time interval between the visitor's first interaction (clicking on a link or link) and the browser's first response to the interaction.
  • Data Lab
  • The data lab contains:
  • First Contentful Paint
  • The time at which the image or text first appears
  • Speed ​​index
  • How quickly displays the contents of a page.
  • Time to Interactive
  • The first time that shows a page is considered interactive.
  • Firsts Meaningful Paint
  • What content first appears from a page.
  • First CPU Idle
  • Indicates the first time that a visitor's page can make a request.
  • Estimated Input Latency
  • Indicates how long it takes a website to respond to requests made by users.
  • Opportunities
  • This section contains everything you can do to increase the speed of your website.
  • Diagnostics
  • Contains a detailed diagnosis of the performance of your website that has not been mentioned in previous analyzes.
  • Passed audits
  • Passed audits contain reports on what optimization steps you have successfully carried out.
2. GTMetrix
GTMetrix is ​​a website used to measure website speed by using Google PageSpeed ​​and Yahoo Yslow as an analyzing engine and displaying the results and recommendations that must be made.

Here are some information that is displayed by GTMetrix after conducting the analysis:
  • Page Speed ​​Score
  • In this section you can see the speed of your website based on Google PageSpeed. GTMetrix will give a value of 0 to 100 percent with grades A to F. The smaller the value generated, the better your website speed.
  • Yslow Score
  • GTMetrix will display the results of website speed analysis based on Yahoo Yslow. Same with PageSpeed ​​score, in the Yslow section it will also give values ​​from 0-100 and grades A through F.
  • Fully Load Time
  • Time point after onload events and no network activity for 2 seconds.
  • Page Size
  • Contains the total size of website pages.
  • Requests
  • This section contains requests to the server to open web pages.
  • Waterfall Chart
  • In this section you can see how long it will take when the user makes a request. You can also analyze each request to see what causes slowness and performance issues on your website.
  • Timing
  • The timing tab will display the results of the advanced analysis, including the page loading duration. Details available such as redirect time, connect time, backend time, and so on.
  • The video
  • Here you can see the website testing process in the form of video. However, before you have to log in first.
  • History
  • Can save the results of the previous analysis, so that when doing the next analysis, you can see the results of the previous analysis.
  • History will be automatically deleted after 30 days if you do not have an account.
3. Pingdom
Pingdom is a tool that checks speed websites based on 5 places in various countries in the world. Checking the website can be done for free and paid.

Information displayed after checking:
  • Performance Grade
  • Pingdom will provide an assessment of website speed performance with grades A to F. Where each grade has its own value.
  • Load time
  • In this section you can see the loading time needed to open your website.
  • Page Size
  • Contains the total size of your website pages.
  • Requests
  • This section contains a request to the server to open a web page.
  • Improve page performance
  • In this section, pingdom will tell you how to improve the performance of your website on a web page.
  • File requests
  • Contains a list of user requests for the server.
Those are 3 tools that you can use to find out website speed. After knowing the speed of your website, the next step you have to do is optimization of some of the things suggested in the "Opportunities" section of Google PageSpeed Insight or suggestions in the "Improve page performance" section of Pingdom.

In addition there are some other common things you can do, such as optimizing images to be smaller, using browser caching, minimizing HTML, CSS, and javascript files, and optimizing mobile versions of websites.
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1 Response to "3 Tools To Check Website Speed"

  1. Thank you for sharing this! It’s very helpful! Would love to see more updates from you.

    SEO Service


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