What is Off Page SEO and its benefits

What is Off Page SEO - Many people who learn SEO techniques must find this SEO term offpage. Actually what is off page SEO? So off page SEO is the optimization of our website from outside our website not from our website. One example is backlinks that people often talk about.
What is Off Page SEO and its benefits
What is Off Page SEO
Ok, so I will explain in more detail about this off page SEO, besides the onpage SEO technique we also have to pay attention to SEO offpage. Like backlinks and social media that are useful to bring more traffic to your website.

For those of you who do not understand SEO, I will discuss a little about SEO, so SEO is an abbreviation of search engine optimization which is useful for increasing the ranking of articles and your website, so among bloggers or website creators this SEO technique is often discussed and discussed.

In this article I will discuss about what is off page SEO, and I will give what it uses and how to off page SEO.

How to use off page SEO optimization frequently
What is Off Page SEO

So how to optimize or do off page SEO is easy, there are 3 ways that are often used by masters in SEO:
  • Backlink
So backlinks are a way that is often used to get backlinks, the way is to ask other websites to reference our website by giving a link on another website to our website.

You can also do with walking blog by commenting on other websites using the naked url or anchor text.
  • Web 2.0
The second way is to create web 2.0, which will be given a link to backlink your articles and your website. What is web 2.0? so web 2.0 is a website like blogspot or wordpress that you can create to create an article then give an outbound link to your main website.

Blogspot and wordpress are not limited to the number of creation, so you can make as many backlinks as possible to your website. You can also create articles in seconds or kompasiania and after that link to your website article for backlinks. Do not immediately provide a link, after your article is updated by seconds or compass, you wait 1 week for the new link to your website.
  • Social media
It turns out that social media is also one of the good backlinks for your website. So if you have social media, don't forget to share articles and article links on your website to social media, especially Facebook fanpage, which is very powerful. In this way our articles can also be viral and can be seen by many people.

What is Off Page SEO
Increase blog traffic

the first benefit is getting a lot of traffic, because your article is referenced a lot and shared by people. Because one way to increase traffic in a blog is to have lots of backlinks. And also by having a backlink you can have stable traffic.
  • Get ranking
besides getting traffic you also get a website ranking on Google, because Google likes websites that have traffic or the website is live. So your website will automatically rank on Google. Especially if your website can get the authority of the blog that will make it easier to beat your competitors.
  • Famous website
In addition to the 2 things above, your website can also be better known by many people in utilizing this off page SEO. So this will make it easier for you to branding your product or website to sell.

So this article about What is Off Page SEO, I hope this article is useful and useful for the development of your website. Don't forget to continue to work hard in building a website because there is no instant success on the website. To find out articles about What is On Page SEO you can read below. Good luck!
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