How to Write Good Quality and SEO Friendly Blog Articles

How to Write Good Quality Blog Articles & SEO Friendly - What are the characteristics of good quality articles? An article said to be of good quality is not measured by the position (rank) of the article on the search engine search results page, but is measured by the accuracy of the information presented in the article. Most bloggers prefer the arrangement of keywords that are their target, not a few articles that look awkward when read due to the placement of keywords that are arranged in excess.

Users (audience), actually do not care about the ranking and seo techniques applied by the writer to the article (web page), they are more concerned with the content (information) they are looking for and satisfaction when reading an article. achieve that, so that the audience no longer needs to find what they need on other web pages and they will not hesitate to recommend your article to other audiences.
How to Write Good Quality and SEO Friendly Blog Articles
In this article I will try to explain and share tips on writing articles, as well as applying what I wrote today (How to Write Good Quality Blog Articles & SEO Friendly).

5 Things That Must Be Prioritized In Making Quality Articles
  • Master in advance the material (content) which is the topic of discussion in the article that we will write
  • Gather the important points of the material that will be conveyed in the article before writing
  • Creating Material Title with clear language (easy to understand)
  • Prepare the concept of writing articles properly and correctly.
  • Use the correct and correct "Indonesian" language (according to EYD)
3 Points To Look For
  1. Give a strong focus on this discussion of material, articles with long reviews and do not have a strong focus on the subject matter will usually cause an audience to be bored and difficult to understand what we convey in the article.
  2. The benefits of multimedia such as videos and pictures to support the explanation in the article
  3. Correct back words and sentences that are less precise after finishing writing the article.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Actually SEO does not guarantee 100% that your content (articles) are always in the top position or always on page one (page 1 of google), but if the article already has all the elements / criteria as explained above the article will automatically be seo friendly by itself and very possible to be on page one. Why is that? Let's look at the reasons below;

Articles that are long and have a high focus on the material discussed will automatically create keywords that are closely related to the core (topic) discussed in an article, so that even if the audience types a single keyword (single keyword) on search engines like Google, it doesn't close it's possible the article will appear on the top page (page 1 of google).

The role of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that is most practiced by top seo players is keyword targeting, the difference is that SEO players intentionally target their main keywords to the audience, whereas if we write articles with a complete discussion of focus, all parts of the article will automatically contain backup keywords which supports the main keywords (the core article).
SEO Tips (Optimizing Content or Articles)

Insert the main keywords in the title and description of the article (The main keywords are keywords that describe the core material in the article)

Use Altertive Text (Alt Image) on images uploaded to articles, Google has many types of "Bot" crawlers to index articles, one of which is Googlebot-Image. Alt Image will be a bridge to Googlebot-Image to recognize content in all search engines.

Escort the main keywords with backup keywords (Long-Tail Keywords), although articles that focus automatically create keywords it's good we still make backup keywords that might be typed by the audience on search engines. Place the Long-Tail Keywords in the middle paragraph and the final paragraph of the article.
  • Long-Tail Keywords are sentences that contain keywords and consist of 4 to 5 words or more, Example: How to Make SEO Friendly Articles
Just a notification, Long-Tail Keywords or backup keywords do not have to be a lot, just use one or two Long-Tail Keywords in the article so that the quality of the article is maintained.
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