How to Ping a Sitemap Into a Webmaster

How to Ping a Sitemap to Webmasters - Sending or submitting a sitemap to google webmasters and bing webmasters doesn't have to go through the search console dashboard, site owners can submit "Submit Sitemaps" through "Ping" Google and Bing webmasters. The process of crawling and indexing URLs or new sites is generally a little slower (requires more time) compared to sites that were previously in the google index, so a more effective way to add urls and sitemaps to the Google crawling queue is by the ping method (packet internet gopher ).

What Is Ping: Is an abbreviation of "Packet Internet Gopher" is a utility program commonly used to check the network conductivity based on technology "Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)".

A simple understanding of "Ping Sitemap" can be interpreted as a method of sending sitemaps to an indexing queue through a shortcut (not through a dashboard) search console or bing webmaster.

How to?

It's very simple enough to submit an indexing request using the HTTP GET method like the example below;

Ping Google
Ping Bing
If the Ping or GET request is successful then a notification will appear "Your sitemap was successfully added to our sitemap list to be crawled immediately"
Ping sitemap success
But it must be remembered that even though you have pinged the sitemap to Google it is still advisable to also submit a site map through the search console because, if you only use the sitemap ping method, you will not get any notification or news to what extent Google has indexed and crawled your site.

Also Add Files
  • Sitemap:
In your website's robots.txt settings, this will help google or robots crawl find your site quickly.

Another case that requires a sitemap ping as above is when the sitemap is only partially indexed and partly not indexed then ping the sitemap to Google and bing, but it must be remembered they may need time to crawl your site as a whole so be patient waiting after pinging and monitoring your webmaster dashboard a week or two later for a new site.
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