Understanding And Process How To Work On Page SEO

How To Work On Page SEO
On Page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the optimization of a website or blog content on the Search Engine using elements in the web page or blog, such as text, image, meta tags, and links. On Page SEO is not a trick to manipulate Search Engines, but only a means to facilitate the Search Engine indexing a web page or blog.

Here are ways to maximize SEO through On Page SEO:

1. Up down, left to right
Search Engine Crawler rules read a web page or blog from top to bottom and from left to right. So you have to set the pages of your site according to this rule. Which must be done :

Place the title text containing the keyword in the upper left.
Crawlers like content. So after the header and title, that's where the page content should be placed.
After that other less important parts are placed on the right or bottom.

2. Put keywords in the domain name
Crawlers will give more value to a keyword placed on the domain name. So as much as possible you use the target keyword into the domain name. And also use a popular hosting service, which allows the web or blog to get more traffic.

3. Priority in the location of keywords on a web page or blog
There is a priority in the location of keywords on a page that the crawler reads, namely: domain or url> title tag> image tag> first 200 words> words afterwards. So to optimize a keyword, follow these instructions. But you must be careful and consider keyword density, and don't try to cheat on the Search Engine.

4. Analyze your competitors in optimizing keywords
Try to see in the search results of a keyword on the Seach Engine (Google or Yahoo). Learn how your competitors optimize these keywords. See also where the competitors get the link. It doesn't hurt you to try it, as long as you don't use fraudulent methods (Black Hat SEO).

5. Use HTML tags and tags in the image
There are several types of HTML tags that can be used on web pages or blogs, such as meta tags, title tags, content tags, etc. And it's also very important to give alt tags and title tags to images, because crawlers can't read graphics.

6. Link the main page (home page) to each web page or blog
When visitors come to your web page or blog through Search Enginge, not everyone will look for the main page. Then navigating to the main page is very important, so that visitors more easily remember the name of your website or blog.

7. Create a sitemap
Sitemap makes it easy for Search Engines to index each web page and blog. So that every time you create a new page, it's likely that the page will be indexed faster. To create a sitemap, you can search on Google with the keyword "XML Sitemap Generator". There will be many services available to create a sitemap for free.

8. Include the robots.txt file in the main folder of hosting
This robots.txt file will be read first by every Search Engine crawler that comes. For instructions on how to make it, I will discuss it in the next post. For a while, please search on Google.

9. Try web content or blogs in accordance with the title
This is related to keyword density. If you make a splashy title but the core of the content does not match the title, then the page is difficult to compete in the Search Engine. Try keywords that are in the title, also often written in the content. Some opinions say the best keyword density is around 4%.
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