How To Quickly Index Google Indexed Website Articles Without Backlinks

How To Quickly Index Google Indexed Website Articles Without Backlinks
Your article is not indexed by Google? Following this we have a way to quickly index Google's website articles on the first page in less than 10 minutes, without backlinks and durable ranking.

For those of you who have been in the world of blogging and SEO for a long time, you probably already know the secret of how to quickly index Google's website articles without this backlink. But for those who are just starting out and experiencing problems with a website or blog article that is not indexed by Google, then the way we submit the following may be a solution for you.

Actually, how to make Google indexed website articles very easy. Just need a few steps and the results have been indexed on Google's search results page in less than 10 minutes.

It's just that, which has not been understood by many people, even though that has long been in the world of blogging and SEO is that this method is just a trigger not a determinant. Many cases that they have implemented this method then in fact the article website is still not indexed. And even if indexed is on page three or more on the search results.

If this method is not the determinant then what determines it? What determines it is the processes before doing this method. So before you learn how to quickly index Google-indexed websites without backlinks, it would be nice to understand the processes before you do this.

Processes Before Ways To Quickly Index Google Indexed Website Articles Without Backlinks
We give you these processes in the form of a checklist in the form of questions so that you can evaluate the process you are running is appropriate or not. Here's a list of questions:
  1. Do you already have an account on Google Webmaster and your website is connected to that account in the Search Console? If not, please register first here => But if you have, please proceed to the second question.
  2. Have you sent the sitemap to Google Search Console? If you haven't already made your website sitemap then send it via the following url => then click the ADD / TEST SITE MAP button. If you have sent the sitemap, please proceed to the third question.
  3. Have you done keyword and competitor competition research? To do this research is very easy. The first one is to install the addon named SEOquake, which you can download at After the add on is active, then type the keywords you want on Google and then look at websites that are ranked 1 -10. Calculate how many websites have an Alexa Rank of more than 1 million. After you get the number, then calculate also the number of search results. The parameters are like this. If a website is ranked 1-10 whose Alexa Rank is more than 1 million the number is at least 3 and the number of search results is less than 500 thousand, then your website article can be quickly indexed by Google.
  4. Does your website article have a minimum of 300 words? If there are not 300 words, please edit your article's contents again and add words to more than 300 words. The more number of words the faster your website article is indexed. If your website article is more than 300 words, please go to question five.
  5. Is your SEO score more than 80? To measure the SEO score of your website, please go to the website If your website's article score is less than 80, then fix your article to at least 80. There are already suggestions for improvements that you need to improve. If it's already more than 80, it's time to practice how to make this Google website article ideal.
How To Quickly Index Google Indexed Website Articles Without Backlinks
Now it's time to execute a way to quickly index Google's website articles without backlinks. The method is very easy. You only need to follow the following steps:
1.Please click the following link =>
2.In the Fetach as Google section, please type the url of the article that you want to be indexed by Google.
3.If you click TAKE
4.Repeat for the same method for Cellular: Smartphones
If so, the status of your website's article becomes "Completed" and in the side column there is a Request indexing button.
5.You click the button and a page will appear like this:
6.You just select the Capture URL then click the SEND button.
7.Repeat the same process for the Seluer version: Smartphones

What is next indexed?
Many people think that the website article has been indexed in Google, the process has been completed. But for us it's not finished yet. That is only the beginning of a long process to generate your own traffic.

So after being indexed and on the first page of Google's article on your website, the consequence is that your website is flooded with traffic. Many are proud of this, but actually in conditions like this we are in a state of loss.

Why? Because the incoming and outgoing traffic just passes. And based on our observations, after the visitor gets what he is looking for, then he will never come back to the same website unless he experiences the same obstacles at a later time and because your content is indeed good. So it is not surprising that the data on Google Analytics shows the percentage of the highest number of visitors is Unique Visitor.

Surely you don't want your website to just pass? You want people who visit your website to visit your website many times right? So we have the right and effective way for you.

The trick is to give your website visitors an attractive offer just by sending an email address via the form. This offer is called lead magnet. The form can vary from information updates to website articles, ebooks, videos, tutorials, free software and so on.

So many ways to quickly index Google's website articles without this backlink. Hopefully useful and see you in the next article.
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