How To Advertise With Facebook Ads

How To Advertise With Facebook Ads - The business world, both in the field of goods and services, is increasingly spoiled by the variety of friendly advertising facilities offered by the digital world and social media. Especially for beginner entrepreneurs, we no longer have to spend big capital to advertise our business products. Because at this time, there are many kinds of non-conventional advertising facilities that can be used to make a business go viral.

As is known, there are various media that we can use to advertise. Among them are using conventional methods or classical methods by placing advertisements in printed newspapers and magazines, and airing in the form of sound and video on radio and television.
How To Advertise With Facebook Ads
Benefits of Using Facebook Ads
Along with the times and the increasing use of the internet via social media, entrepreneurs have more opportunities to promote their businesses. One that is currently popular and effective is using Facebook Ads advertising services.
Benefits of Using Facebook Ads
There are a number of reasons and advantages, why people flock to use Facebook Ads services or advertise through Facebook media. Some reasons are:

Relatively Low Costs
By capitalizing on a minimum of around Rp. 11 thousand (the minimum amount can change depending on Facebook policy), you can already submit advertisements on Facebook. Of course, the more your balance, the wider the range of your Facebook Ads Ads.

Many Reach and Target Options
Unlike buying a cat in a sack, Facebook Ads ads have designed your advertising package so that the distribution is right on target. That is, in designing advertising packages, Facebook Ads will see the characteristics of your business, so that it can determine its market segmentation. You can choose automatic services so that Facebook will determine the target market according to your business.

If you feel the "Automatic" service is less convincing, you can choose the manual method, where you decide the title of the ad yourself, the target audience is seen from his interests, his area, and his age range. In addition, you can also estimate the costs that are needed, the duration, and effectiveness.

Report on Impact Analysis of Transparent Ads
After your ad submission is received and your Facebook Ads ad starts to run, you will start to be able to see the impact report or Insight. Facebook Ads provides data about its reach, how many people are interested, and the variety of percentages according to your submission.

Advertising costs will decrease little by little, depending on how many people click or are interested in your Facebook ad. The more effective your Facebook Ads ads are, the faster the cost of advertising is eroded. But when your balance is slow due to advertising, your ad may be less effective.

Can Connect to Instagram
Facebook Ads have been designed to connect to an Instagram account. Promotions with Facebook Ads ads are becoming increasingly dynamic because you can do promotions on two social media with a high audience. You can also design your own advertising package according to the strategy, so that later the ad will attract consumers' interests and interests.

How to Advertise with Facebook Ads
Seeing the various reasons and advantages of advertising on Facebook Ads, you must be curious, how to become an active participant in running Facebook Ads ads for business effectively. Then the next question, what is needed to advertise on Facebook Ads?
How to Advertise with Facebook Ads
The answer, there are a number of easy conditions that you must fulfill in order to use Facebook Ads. In this article we will help you wholeheartedly to be able to use Facebook Ads well and effectively. Let's follow the steps below:

Making Page Fans
When you want to advertise on Facebook Ads, first you have to create a fan page that is related to your business, both in the field of selling goods and services. After that, you can campaign for your friends to like the fan page. By having a fan page, your chances of advertising on Facebook Ads will increase. Because, whatever posts (status and images) that are shared via the fans page will have the opportunity to be promoted, aka advertised.

Fill Balance for Facebook Ads Ads
Ads on Facebook Ads can be run if you have a balance on Facebook. The top up method is very easy. At first you can access There will be exposed to a variety of easy instructions for entering balance into Facebook Ads. Look for the "Business Manager" button to see the variety of choices and directions for Facebook Ads ads to be effective. Then for payment, click the "Business Settings" feature.

Later there will be a variety of features, focus on "Payment" alias payment. If you use a credit card, then you are asked to fill in the supplementary data in the form of "Billing Country" aka your location, currency or "Currency" and your credit card number. You also need to write down the active period of the credit card and then the Facebook Ads will verify.

If you don't have a credit card, don't worry. You can still fill in your Facebook Ads balance using a bank transfer. Like when paying for shopping at the marketplace, you will receive a payment code. You can also pay with the code with the desired amount.

Practice Making Facebook Ads
The first step, choose a post in your fan page that you want to promote. Then click "Promote". Later, a settings display will appear where you have to give your ad the title. In addition to the title, all you have to complete is Daily Budget (the desired advertising cost to adjust the day) where you determine when the advertisement starts and ends.

In addition, also specify the age range of Facebook residents who want to be targeted to see your ad. In the settings you are also asked to determine the region, gender, interests and interests of your prospective customers.

While you specify the target of your ad on Facebook Ads in detail, you will see automatic analysis done by Facebook. You will see the information "Potential Reach" or the range of ads that are likely to generate your ad.

Furthermore, in the "Placement" feature, you can adjust the placement of your ads. For example, whether it only airs on the desktop or mobile phone. If you choose Automatic Placements, your ad will automatically show automatically on Instagram and Facebook.

Submit Facebook Ads
After all settings are complete, you can immediately submit an advertisement. Your Facebook Ads will not immediately spread and become viral. You must first wait for approval to be reviewed by Facebook. If it feels feasible to show and does not interfere with the world peace per-Facebook, then the chances of submitting your advertisement will be greater.

The status of "Pending Review" will change to "Active" when your ad is granted to show. When it has been received, your ad will be labeled "Sponsored" by Facebook. As long as the ad is running, you can continue to monitor the effectiveness of the ad, as well as the movement of your balance.

Thus information about how to advertise with Facebook Ads. Some of the benefits that will be obtained if you use Facebook Ads are the costs tend to be low, wide range, there are analytical features, and can connect to Instagram. The number of technologies that are developing at this time will make it easier for us to do something, including marketing goods or services. Facebook can be your alternative choice for promoting business.
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