5 Important Pages on the Website

5 Important Pages on the Website - Important pages on the website are important for increasing search engine ranking. Website is the best place to impress prospective customers. Even though good content, social media and advertisements attract the attention of prospective customers, in the end, your website determines the final decision they will buy or not. There are some basic things that you must learn from various sites, such as how to apply attractive designs.
5 Important Pages on the Website
When opening a website, you will also open another page on the site. Some pages on a website can be more important than important pages on other websites. How important it must be assessed from the purpose of each website. In general, pages that can be considered important are pages that:
  1. Has the highest possibility of attracting traffic.
  2. Has a strong display for new users.
  3. Have the highest chance of achieving conversion.
  4. Providing the best opportunity to sell brands.
  5. Has more significant weight than other pages.
Based on the points above, specify at least five more important pages from other pages, such as:

Home page
The Home page or home page is the most obvious. You might also have realized why Home pages are the most important. The home page is an important page on the first website that the user will see. If your home page is no less memorable, engagement with a new user will quickly end. The home page is also very important that Google will consider when understanding the purpose and function of your website.

You can add strong headlines and be included with attractive visual designs. The aim is to attract the user's attention and indirectly state the purpose of your website. Adjust all elements, because the home page is a relatively small space. It's better to use a minimalist design rather than directly bombarding users with designs that are too flashy.

About page
After the user understands your brand and website, About is an important page on the next website they will go to if they are interested in learning your brand. On the About page, you can explain the strengths of the brand and explain why you are a trusted person in this industry. If done well, you will give a positive impression on prospective new customers, even able to convert leads directly.

Selling products on the About page is included in soft selling. So it's better to focus on what makes your product more unique, show that you are experienced. On this page, you can add achievements that have been achieved. And most importantly, on the important page on this website you must include the reason why the user must believe in the product you are offering.

Contact page
When a user reads the content on your website and is interested in what is offered, of course they will search the Contact page. Contact pages have become commonplace and almost always on every website. So if you miss this one page, it will be very unfortunate, because you can lose the opportunity to convert. Every user who opens the Contact page, is interested in talking about business. Then the Contact page on the website should make it easy for them to contact you. It doesn't matter if you only want to focus on one form of contact, but still include a number of other options such as email or fax.

Blog page
The Blog page serves to 'show off' your expertise in the industry and help potential buyers to make the final decision. Blogs should be updated regularly. Can be once a week or twice. Try each post is good writing. Increasing the archive of your posts, becomes increasingly important because it will determine the ranking in search engines. So don't ignore the blog, DomaiNesians.

Checkout page
The important page on this website is the final process, where in the end prospective customers complete their purchase process. If your website does not have an e-commerce platform, find one page that has the same function, namely as the final page. Google doesn't really take into account this page, but customers will really care. Because they are interested in buying your product, the next task is to make the purchasing process easy to complete. A neat design, easy navigation, and fast processing are important things that need to be applied on important pages on this website.

The five pages above are important, but that doesn't mean other pages aren't important. As previously explained, the importance of a page in a website depends on the purpose of the website. So it's better to take the time to optimize all the pages on the website for search engines, user experience, and conversions. Don't forget to keep making adjustments. Continuous adjustments will provide better results.

Why Optimizing Every Page Is Important
For those of you who have experience with SEO, surely you understand that it is a time consuming process. Research, edit sites, make copywriting, and create links. Making a page into the first rank of search engine results is not an easy thing.

Optimization includes providing an understanding to the search engines about the pages on the website

The way a search engine works is not the same as a website visitor. Visitors can recognize the page just by looking visually. While search engines rely on text and HTML elements to determine topics on each page. Search engines will index information from every important page on the website, then when a user searches for a particular word or phrase, the search engine will provide the most relevant pages in their database.

Every search engine, Google, Bing or Yahoo has its own algorithm to determine page rank. So if the page on your website does not have the information needed to be understood by search engines, you will find it difficult to get a ranking that can be said to be good in search results. If you want to reach potential customers, search engines must be able to understand the website. The more pages optimized, the better the understanding that search engines get. The better the search engines understand the website, the higher the ranking of your site in the search results.

Each page can get ranking from different keywords
Each page on the website will compete with other sites for the best ranking, if they have different keywords. That means, if you have 10 different pages on the website, then you have the potential to rank 10 different searches. To do this, you must optimize each page with different and unique keywords. Google only displays one important page on the website of any site in displaying its search results. This also means that if the ten pages have the same keywords, they will compete with each other for ranking. It would be far more effective to provide one keyword on one page and another for another.

Keywords help visitors find what they are looking for
When potential customers start looking for things they need, chances are they will use general keywords related to products and services. Prospective customers will examine the various options offered and can also immediately make a purchase right away. 

But what often happens is that prospective customers will examine first, then move to something else. If the appearance of the website is memorable, they will remember the name of the site to learn more. Customers will tend to look for company names, plus the word 'price' to search engines. Content that has these keywords can be optimized, so customers can easily find relevant pages on your site.

Unique titles and meta description can increase click-through rates (CTR)
The two easiest elements to optimize are the title tag and meta description. Both of these elements do not require a lot of character, enough to give understanding to search engines and visitors about the page. 

Using keywords in a title tag can help increase the page rank of your website higher. And even though the meta description doesn't directly affect ranking, it can increase the click-through rate. The click-through rate itself can be a positive signal for search engine algorithms. The more clicks you get, the higher the ranking.

From the explanation above it is clear not, if the page optimization on the website is important. Especially on pages that you consider important, such as Home, About, Contact, Blog, and Checkout. Optimizing website pages is the same as optimizing sales of products and services. So, it's better to take the time to optimize all the pages on the website for search engines, user experience, and conversions. Don't forget to keep making adjustments. Continuous adjustments will provide better results.
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